The Financial Benefits Of Making Your Website ADA Accessible
01: You Can Avoid A Lawsuit
Right away, the most notable financial benefit of making your website ADA accessible is, quite simply, the fact that you can avoid a lawsuit.
A lawsuit can and will, cost you money. And, if you are found guilty of an ADA web accessibility violation – or, worse, multiple violations – you will likely need to pay a significant sum of money.
If your website is ADA accessible, though, then it is likely that you won’t be sued, and, as such, you will never be at risk of the financial consequences that an ADA web accessibility lawsuit engenders.
02: There Are Many Disabled People
Right now, as of 2023, around 61 million of those living in the United States have a disability. Given this fact, if your website is inaccessible to those with a disability, then your website is inaccessible to a vast market.
A wide variety of people may be interested in what your website has to offer. But, if these people cannot access your website or understand it, then they cannot make use of what you offer.
If your website is ADA accessible, though, then those with disabilities can access your website and make use of what you offer, thereby allowing you and your website to prosper.
03: Many Older People Have Disabilities
According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, there are around 73 million baby boomers in the United States. Many of these individuals are older and, as such, they suffer from health issues and disabilities, among other things.
Given the sheer abundance of older individuals within the United States, combined with those who have disabilities, it is of the utmost importance that your website is accessible to them.
A failure to make your website accessible to both disabled people and those who are older – many of whom have disabilities or health issues – means that your website is inaccessible to vast markets who might need what you offer.