
How to Make Your Website Videos Accessible?

Receiving an ADA web accessibility lawsuit is no joke. You and your business will be greatly affected by the consequences of an ADA web accessibility lawsuit in the event that this lawsuit is successful.

To protect yourself from an ADA web accessibility lawsuit, you must make your website, and every element within your website, ADA accessible.

Going over the ways in which you make the videos on your website ADA-compliant and speaking with an ADA compliance lawyer if you have already received a lawsuit will allow you to protect yourself.

Do The Videos On Your Website Need To Be ADA Compliant?

To answer the question outlined right above, “Yes, the videos on your website need to be ADA compliant.”

If the videos on your website are not ADA compliant, then there is a chance that you and your website may be hit with an ADA web accessibility lawsuit.

To prevent you and your website from being hit with an ADA web accessibility lawsuit, you must make sure the videos on your website are ADA compliant and that your website is, in its entirety, ADA accessible.

The Guidelines For ADA Web Accessibility

Right before we go over the ways in which you can make your videos ADA accessible and, as such, ADA compliant, we must first go over the guidelines that determine ADA accessibility.
In order for your website to be considered ADA accessible, it must be:


To give you four examples of the above guidelines, your website must:

-Make use of alternative text and captions.
-Be capable of being navigated with a keyboard.
-Rely on understandable fonts and a clear, accessible design.
-Support a variety of assistive technologies.

If your website offers the features outlined above, then it should be considered ADA-accessible.

Making The Videos On Your Website ADA Compliant

To make the videos on your website ADA-compliant, there are several features you must include. And with that in mind, these features are as follows:

-Every single video on your website must come with closed captioning.
-Your videos should also come with a transcription of what is being said/conveyed.
-Each video should come with a description of its content.
-The user controls for each video should emphasize accessibility.

Outside of the above features, it is important to develop every video with accessibility in mind. Some of the ways in which you can do this are as follows:

-Make sure the key ideas within each video are properly clarified.
-Emphasize visual clarity.
-Rely on easy-to-understand color contrast schemes.
-Make use of clear lighting schemes that support visual clarity.

If you can integrate these ideas into the video production process, then it is very likely that your videos will be ADA accessible, thereby ensuring that you are protected from ADA web accessibility lawsuits pertaining to them.

Speak With A New York ADA Web Accessibility Lawyer Today

Receiving an ADA web accessibility lawsuit is very serious. Speak with a New York ADA web accessibility lawyer at The Samuel Law Firm today, and we will develop a defense that assists you in obtaining the best possible legal outcome.

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If you are looking for a personal injury attorney in New York, have a wage and hour claim or are involved in web accessibility litigation, consider Samuel Law Firm. Our attorneys are approachable and responsive, available 7 days a week to provide you with instant legal help and solid advice.