While New Yorkers work longer hours than anywhere else in the country, not all of them are fairly paid for their labor and overtime. Many employees are misclassified as exempt workers without the right to overtime pay or as contractors without employment benefits. At Samuel Law, we are determined to educate our clients on how to protect their rights and enforce those rights in the courtroom if necessary.
New York Wage and Hour Lawyers
The wage and hour lawyers at Samuel Law Firm in New York are committed to asserting your rights to fair compensation, overtime pay and employment benefits. With an office just a block from the Empire State Building, we represent New York employees in a wide range of industries and areas of employment, including white-collar employees, computer and tech industry, trade and finance, advertising and marketing, restaurant and retail, beauty and healthcare and many others.

Why Turn To The Samuel Law Firm?
The lawyers at the Samuel Law Firm are well-known New York City litigation and trial attorneys with years of experience. We are well-versed in applying the rules of the Federal Labor Standards Act and New York Labor Laws to employment disputes and leverage our litigation skills to defend the interests of our clients.
Our wage and hour attorneys take an individual approach to each client to ensure that all aspects of their employment are accounted for. We provide personal legal service to each of our clients and inform them of all the details of their case and applicable laws to ensure effective communication and the most appropriate legal strategy.
Learn More About Your Rights To Fair Compensation
The application of the FLSA Act and the New York Labor Laws can be complicated and specific to each situation. Here is a short list of questions our clients normally ask when turning to Samuel Law wage and hour attorneys and a short overview how we handle such inquiries.
Many employees are discouraged from raising a wage and hour complaint to avoid being fired and because of other negative consequences. Meanwhile, it is important to know that the FLSA Act prohibits discriminating or firing employees because they filed a complaint related to the Act. If employers violate this requirement and fire their employees after receiving wage and hour complaint, the employees can file a lawsuit for retaliation.
At the same time, it is essential to know that the FLSA Act doesn’t cover vague expressions of dissatisfaction and provides protection only when the complaint properly addresses the actual violation. Those interested to know more about how to raise a wage and hour complaint with their employers should consult experienced attorneys at Samuel Law Firm who would ensure that our clients are fully protected under the law.
The white color exemptions apply to certain categories of employees, making them exempt from both minimum wage and overtime pay. These exemptions include executive, administrative and professional exemptions as well as several others. Meanwhile, there is often a lot of confusion about applying white-collar exemptions, which deprives employees of fair compensation for their long hours.
It is vital to know that simply calling someone a manager doesn’t automatically make them exempt from overtime pay under the executive exemption. Similarly, working in an office with the management doesn’t qualify someone for administrative exemptions. As the FLSA Act includes several tests for each exemption, it is advisable to consult with a wage and hour lawyer to determine if an exemption is applicable under the circumstances.
Working ‘off-the-clock’ is any work done by an employee, which is not compensated and not counted towards such employee overtime. The list of examples includes answering urgent emails from the employer or clients outside working hours, having to work during not paid breaks or unpaid ‘prep-work.’
Meanwhile, it should be remembered that working off-the-clock is illegal. Those employers who encourage or overlook off-the-clock work are breaking the law and can be subject to wage and hour lawsuits. If you are a non-exempt employee who is either required, permitted or suffered to work off-the-clock, you will benefit from consulting experienced wage and hour attorneys from Samuel Law Firm who would help you get compensated for all your overtime hours.
In New York, employers are required to provide non-paid meal breaks to their employees. Thus, non-factory workers have the right to a 30-minute noonday break if their shift continues for more than six hours and crosses the noonday period. In addition, those whose working hours start before 11 am and continue past 7 pm are entitled to an additional 20-minute meal break between 5 pm and 7 pm.
Those employers who require employees to work during their meal breaks are violating the law. The employers cannot force employees to eat lunch at their desks either, as the employee should be completely freed from the duties during the meal period. If you have to work during your meal break, you are entitled to be paid for the entire meal break period regardless of interruptions.
Contact Us
If you are involved in a personal injury case and looking for an attorney to represent you at any stage, from collecting evidence to advocating for you in a courtroom, consider Samuel Law Firm in New York. We are personal injury litigation and trial attorneys who will aggressively defend your interests to maximize compensation and pursue your case in the courtroom if necessary to ensure the highest recovery.
For personal injury inquiries, contact us by phone at 646-663-4228 or send us an email at info@samuellawfirm.com, and we will be happy to assist you.
Samuel Law Firm Employment Lawyers – New York
1441 Broadway, Suite 6085
New York, NY 10018